Sunday, August 31, 2008

My Father Was Right, But Don't Tell Him

My father insisted I check out Mad Men as the second season started this summer. Now, I need to state for the record that I had every intention of watching it the first season, but in the midst of growing another human being I somehow missed the premiere and the next 5 shows before realizing I had indeed missed them. I set my DVR to record them as they marathoned, as cable tv loves to do, but somehow always missed the first one. I decided to skip season one all together and jump in feet first to season two, and.... my father was right. You won't catch me uttering those words often, and even less often putting them in print for the world and (gulp) my father to see, but here they are posted in cyberspace. My father was right.

If you have yet to fall into the world of Mad Men do yourself a favor and tune in. Even if you haven't caught the previous season and a half you can catch up. My husband claims there is more sex on Mad Men than Swingtown. Did that catch your attention? I have blogged many times before about consistency and Mad Men goes well beyond the typical marks of consistency and takes you back in time without bringing you to the cliché 50's we are taught to revere. The only way this world would be more consistent would be to film in black and white, but it isn't needed. In fact, the color is used so well that it almost seems like it is intentionally NOT whitewashing by going back to the B/W we expect. Mad Men is refreshing in its honesty and open approach to looking at a time most look back on with rose colored glasses.

So, follow my father's advice and check it out. You might just feel urged to exclaim that my father was right too. Just please whisper it because I don't want his head to explode.

1 comment:

Jed said...

We just had the same experience with a recommendation from my younger brother. We totally missed "Arrested Development" when it came out, and from the Jason Bateman movies we've seen, weren't sure that was such a bad thing. But we picked up the DVDs this summer and basically steamed through all three seasons in a couple of weeks. And I must say, I'm not sure we could have stayed sane through the moving process without it! It's been just the respite we needed.