Fans of Brilliant But Cancelled-DeathWatch can catch up on past posts until the new season. My fingers are still crossed that in the cancelled line will be The Class (sorry Adrienne) and In Case of Emergency. I guess it really is harder to write comedy these days because this year's tries were mediocre at best. I even sat through 6 episodes of 30 Rock without cracking more than a smile before giving up. The exception to this is Ugly Betty. Probably the best new show of the season. America Ferrara is extraordinary as Betty Suarez, she brings in all the necessary elements to hold this show together- physical and intelligent comedy, believability, and emotional connection. However, it is really a dramedy which seems to be the new norm for the big and small screen, so does it count?
Last year we were graced with How I Met Your Mother a brilliant comedy that is original, quirky and amazingly brings innovative story lines into the mix. Between the absolutely fabulous cast and fantastic writing this is truly the best comedy on tv.
I am a sap at the core so Grey's Anatomy leads the drama pack for me. It pulls at the heartstrings unabashedly. New for this year Studio 60 was fantastic, but then again what by Aaron Sorkin isn't. The problem is that there wasn't enough time between West Wing and Studio 60 for people to forget how brilliant Sorkin is and appreciate his bringing his talent back to the ring. I know, I know, the end of West Wing wasn't Sorkin, but the concept was and Studio 60 reminds us just how good the beginning of West Wing was. The actor I truly hope is catapulted by this show even if it ends up with a short run is Sarah Paulson. Studio 60 offered her a great opportunity to show how versatile she is, but then again I have been a fan since Jack and Jill.
Other new shows that I completely enjoyed and hope return Standoff didn't get a full enough run to build its base. Psych was enjoyable for its sheer quirkiness and as I have already stated I was a big West Wing fan so seeing Dule Hill back on the small screen is nice. Shark keeps me watching because James Woods is so perfectly cast in that role. I don't think I would return if it were anyone else. He is such a great asshole.
How long until next year's schedule is announced? A month? I don't know if I can wait.
A few shows I realized I left off the last list:
Veronica Mars, Standoff, Men in Trees
How deep is the snow at the Scott house?
14 years ago