Wednesday, September 26, 2007

New Shows- Part 1

I have been trying to get in as many pilot episodes as possible, at least those that actually peak my interest. Here are my initial thoughts:

Back to You- An aging group of actors in a totally not funny show. Jerk anchor returns to a small network news show to join a crew of people who didn't like him all that much to begin with. Then the big twist at the end, which doesn't end up being a comedy situation at all... actually turns this sitcom into a dramedy which is exactly what is not needed in a 30-minute slot. This is obviously supposed to appeal to an age demographic that I do not fit in. I wasn't expecting much and the show delivered even less.

Big Bang Theory- I wasn't even going to try this one out, but then I heard the theme song by Barenaked Ladies and decided it deserved at least one shot. One shot is all it will be getting. I am not sure what demographic this is supposed to appeal to since it seems that the "intellectual" jokes that they made mostly target an audience that would spend more time online gaming or solving theories than watching a sitcom. The only two females on the show were presented as rude and dumb yet hot, not how I want to encourage the networks to portray my gender by giving them my viewership.

Bionic Woman- For the stunts and premise alone, I am glad I watched the pilot episode of Bionic Woman. As for the acting, just because parts of you are computerized doesn't mean the acting needs to be. Michelle Ryan was so/so as the new bionic woman. Katee Sackhoff's acting, as the previous bionic woman, was a catastrophe. Overlooking the acting, I will give this one a shot . It is reminiscent of the best of Alias, which is definitely worth a try.

After watching the promos I really wasn't interested in this show. I decided to give Jimmy Smits a shot since he has a proven track record of fantastic shows. The show was overall better than the promo led me to believe. I am still not sure it is a keeper, but willing to hang in for a few episodes to see if it hooks.

Chuck- The complete opposite of Journeyman in the fact that I immediately felt connected to the characters on this show. Great writing, well cast, a good mix of action and story. This is a must-see show. Thoroughly entertaining.

Dirty Sexy Money- Loved the premiere. I am amazed at the cast that was assembled for this show. Without this stellar cast though, the show would not hold its weight. Peter Krause on network tv again was enough cause for me to watch. This is definitely staying on by DVR schedule.

Gossip Girl-
I was entertained by this show from beginning to end. I admit I get sucked into a good high school drama and that is what this is. I enjoy the continued narration throughout the show and am interested to see if that was more prevalent for the pilot than it will be for future episodes. With the loss of The OC and One Tree Hill on extended leave there is a empty niche that Gossip Girl will easily fill.

Journeyman- I really wanted to like this show. I sat through the hour hoping it would get better, and it sort of redeemed itself at the end, but not enough for this to become a top 10 or maybe even top 20 for me. The biggest problem was that I didn't particularly like ANY of the characters. I felt no attachment, sympathy, connection to anyone so I could care less whether the main character disappears for days, except that I have to watch more encounters with characters I have no investment in. I doubt this will end up on my watch list.

K-ville- I was going to watch this show. I set the DVR, it recorded, I scanned through it for about 10 seconds and realized I had ZERO interest in watching the show. It is cut.

Private Practice- While much improved from the intro. given through Grey's Anatomy last season, I am still sorely disappointed in Kate Walsh's performance. I have no interest in seeing her dance naked around her room. It was set up so poorly that I wanted her to get caught in an embarrassing situation so she could act her way out of it and she couldn't. Without the rest of the stellar cast holding up the show, I wouldn't be watching. Here's to hoping Shonda realizes the rest of the cast far excels Kate and focuses more stories on them.

The Reaper- This show is a paradox, both in premise and in whether I actually want to watch it again. Sam learns on his 21st birthday that his parents sold his soul to the devil before he was conceived. He decides to work for the devil as a spiritual bounty hunter collecting souls that have escaped from hell. This is seen as being for the greater good since these escaped souls take on their previous bad habits such as burning down firehouses. I wasn't quite sure if I enjoyed it. The characters were at times likable, but then would have some strange quirk that made you question why you thought you might like them in the first place. I am holding judgment (hee hee) for a few more episodes.

Monday, September 24, 2007

My Advice to Reality TV "Stars" Before The Taping

I am writing to all of you who have hopes to one day be on a reality tv show. After watching premieres for Survivor: China and The Bachelor this week I realized there are some simple rules that some people actually need outlined for them. So, here is my advice:

1) Just because alcohol is offered in mass quantities does not mean you need to drink it in mass quantities. That goes out to Melissa, cut night one of The Bachelor. When you drink so much that you can't speak coherently, you really need to cut yourself off. Were you there for the open bar or the guy?

2) Dress appropriately for the game. This goes out Jaime the bra-less contestant on Survivor:China, all the other contestants of Survivor:China who showed up in heels, dresses, fishnet tights etc... ready for a photo op. rather than a survival game. This also goes out once again to Melissa of The Bachelor. If your chicken cutlets (fake breasts) don't stay on/in, then there are proper ways (like in a bathroom) to take them out, and if you can't feel that you are missing one then you once again are too drunk to be in the game.

3) Watch the show ahead of time. If you are going on a reality tv show and claim you have never seen an episode then you are obviously not in it to win, so bow out gracefully before you go on. Again this can be targeted at the inappropriately dressed Survivor cast members who for some reason didn't realize in past seasons they didn't get to bring their bright pink could fit my 4-year old daughter in it with all of her princess attire suitcases with them. (Disclaimer- I have never actually attempted to put my daughter in a suitcase, if she has tried on her own that is completely without the help of her mother and/or father).

4) Do not attempt to "show-off" using tricks that are only seen in circus sideshows. This goes out to the human pretzel and the web-toed wonder from The Bachelor. My suggestion is that you try out your trick for random people in the middle of a supermarket. If they are impressed and ask further questions, you are probably safe, if they are speechless, shocked, horrified, run away screaming, instantly fall into hysterical laughter- cut it. It is better to not be memorable than to be memorable for the wrong reasons.

5) It is a competition. Whether you are there to find love, money, or possibly both, you need to come in with your A game. Know what you are going to say when you come out of the limo or get your first one-on-one time. Have a game strategy and an idea of who you want to present yourself as. I have to hand it to Leslie and Jean-Robert from the Survivor: China cast for this. Leslie immediately claimed she "wasn't religious", though she "has a relationship with Jesus Christ" when she walked out of the temple. The woman is a Christian Talk Show Host. Either it was brilliant strategy to try not to be pegged as the crazy religious one, or she just happened into it with a misstatement. Either way, she came out playing the game. She also made a fantastic connection with a strong player who didn't have the social skills to connect with others himself, nicely played. Jean-Robert instead of trying to fly under the radar immediately made use of his poker playing skills to target and call out his adversaries. He let him tribemate know day 1 that he was in this, aware and ready to play. Deanna on The Bachelor also did a great job with this coming out with something unique and well-prepared when she left the limo, an introduction in Greek that she then translated.

So there are a few hints to begin with. I am not saying you will win the game by following these hints, but hopefully you won't be eliminated Day 1 or embarrass yourself so much that you won't be able to face your family ever again. Remember all of these episodes eventually end up on DVD and they will come back to haunt you if you don't follow the rules.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

What I am Watching

I love fall, it may surpass summer for me for one reason... premieres!!!! Here is my premiere list schedule. Yes, it is incomplete... that is completely purposeful. These are the shows I will be watching. I have 32 shows currently in my fall line-up, 18 are brand new shows which I expect at least 30% at least to be gone from my line-up due to network or my own personal trimming.

I have added a few notes in purple next to some of the shows that have already premiered and that I have read interesting reviews of (pro and con). These are all network shows- I still have my cable to add in. How am I going to manage it all? Once I have gotten through the premieres and cut some of these out I will post my daily watching/DVRing schedule. What shows are you most excited about?

September 19th
*New Show: GOSSIP GIRL (CW) Definitely a keeper after the premiere
*New Show: BACK TO YOU (Fox) Will probably be scratching this one after a disappointing premiere.

September 20th
Survivor:China (CBS) My husband thinks this is the best looking cast ever. I enjoyed the fact that one tribe actually started playing the game on day one.

September 23rd
Cold Case (CBS)
Shark (CBS)

September 24th
The Bachelor (ABC)
How I Met Your Mother (CBS)
*New Show: CHUCK (NBC)

September 25th
House (FOX)
*New Show: CANE (CBS) Maybe... I was excited until I started seeing the previews.
*New Show: REAPER (CW) Another Maybe on this one. I am going to try it out and see how it goes.

September 26th
*New Show: BIONIC WOMAN (NBC) This may not fit in with all my other shows, but it is supposed to be one of the best new shows. I may have to cut something else from my line-up if it proves true.
*New Show: LIFE (NBC)
*New Show: PRIVATE PRACTICE (ABC) Why didn't they change the name?!?!?!

September 27th
Ugly Betty (ABC)
Grey’s Anatomy (ABC)
Without a Trace (CBS)
*New Show: BIG SHOTS (ABC) I am reading awful things about this one, so it may get cut early. Desperate Housewives for CEOs.

September 28th

September 30th
Desperate Housewives (ABC)
Brothers & Sisters (ABC)

October 1st

October 3rd
*New Show: PUSHING DAISIES I am most excited about this show. The premise is original and the reviews have been great.

October 7th
*New Show: LIFE IS WILD (CW)

October 12th
Men In Trees (ABC)

October 15th
Samantha Who? (ABC)

October 18th
*New Show: VIVA LAUGHLIN (CBS) *Regular slot begins Oct. 21st I am reading bad things about this one which is disappointing. I am still going to try it out for myself based on cast alone... remember what happened with Brothers and Sisters last season.

November 27th
*New Show: CASHMERE MAFIA (ABC) *Regular slot begins Dec. 4th