Big Brother: 'Til Death Do Us Part seems to have gone from setting up possible life partners to setting up multi-partner make-out sessions. Sunday's broadcast was only the beginning as James and Chelsia had their first make-out session. Since then partner swapping and swapping spit has become the norm. Check out this live feed spoiler for more info: Big Brother Updates. Between this, the lesbian lie, and the confrontations I am wondering if anyone is actually here to play the game. Based solely on what the editors want us to see, passing on the opportunity to bathe with Natalie, I would say Matt is the only one there to play. However the feeds are showing more. Maybe Natalie "he's just not that into you."
Now that Jacob is gone it seems the women are the downfall of these couples. Jen ran her mouth and was part of the first couple evicted. Amanda spread rumors throughout the house and put Alex in the position of possibly being the second couple evicted. Allison and Sheila's brilliant idea of putting out a false story of their relationship outside the house has put doubt into the minds of the two couples they told. Why are there no female game players in this house, even Allison the gamblng addict has NO strategy or sense.
As a fan I want to put in print that I would prefer less attractive people who want to play the game. Candy thongs are not what I tune in for.
How deep is the snow at the Scott house?
14 years ago
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