I need to apologize to March after my last post. It isn't March's fault it got the raw end of the deal between being typical rerun time stuck in between sweeps and the tv being off during Spring Break (except for those parents unable to head out on vacation trying desperately to entertain their kids of course) and the writer's strike leaving no episodes to be watched. There were a few glimpses of light this month.
First of all, the series premiere of Miss Guided proved to be a refreshing new comedy. A talented cast and perfect timing makes this a don't miss for me. Judy Greer has been stealing scenes as the supportive best friend for too long, she needed to step into the limelight and it is reflecting out light through the darkness of March. Ashton Kucher's appearance in the second episode didn't hurt much either.
The second ray of light in the darkness has been the return of Greek. Greek is possibly the only reason (outside of getting my Gilmore Girls rerun fix) to tune into ABC Family. At least they have had the good sense to order up another season. Greek allows us the guilty pleasure of reliving college without the tests and hangovers.
While I am still anxious for April to arrive, I feel better making peace with March.
How deep is the snow at the Scott house?
14 years ago