Here is my problem with cliffhangers. I would watch the next episode without the cliffhanger. I do not need to be left hanging in May for 4 months to return to the show in the Fall. Then, because there are shows that build in cliffhangers the shows that do not build in cliffhangers almost give the impression to viewers that they were sewing things up in case they weren't renewed. I don't want to wonder for four months if... ok I won't spoil anything for anyone who hasn't watched Grey's or CSI because they have it DVRed. I read spoilers, I don't spoil.
Now I get that there are some shows that are built solely on cliffhangers... the mystery is the show and I can go for that. I was very into Reunion and am frustrated they didn't get the chance to sew it all up for us. I think that if a network takes a chance on a show that revolves around a mystery it owes it to the viewers, however few there may be, to explain it through. I am fine with going online to watch the episodes through their completion. Those of us who do get swept into a plot line and invested in the characters want to know. I don't want to have to dig for some article that might have the creator give it away because the network won't give us the closure we need. Ok, I know right now you are thinking this girl is too obsessed... but then you need to look up at the header and remember that I already confessed to that.
My other gripe with cliffhangers is that if you are going to build them in there is no reason to write at the end of the episode "To Be Continued". It darn well better be continued if you want me to keep watching. CSI tonight, again giving nothing away, ended the episode with "To Be Continued". At least if you are going to close with that statement let the continuation happen within a reasonable amount of time. Four months to wait for it "to be continued" is too long in my book. I actually saw that and went through the online guide to make sure that I was correct in thinking tonight was the finale. Yes, I know tonight is the finale, and I know every season CSI makes some huge storyline finale where someone from the CSI is in trouble which is always resolved when the Fall Season returns, so why put "To Be Continued".
Tonight's questions- do you enjoy cliffhangers? Would you continue to watch a show if there were not cliffhangers built in, especially applying to would you pick up watching again in the Fall without the storyline needing to be resolved? How should a network resolve an ending for a mystery based show, or should they?
How deep is the snow at the Scott house?
14 years ago
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