Yes, the title today is my appeal to ABC to show some class, restraint, wisdom, fill in your own appropriate descriptor here, to Please change the title for the Grey's 2.0 from Private Practice to just about anything that isn't going to make me squirm each time I hear it. So, let's hear 'em, your ideas for the Grey's spin-off title. Maybe something based off the name of the clinic "Oceanside Wellness Group".
Why the appeal after I already slammed the first glimpse of the show? Because ABC gave the show the greenlight, as you might remember I did predict in that post. Next question, do I think it will make it? If Brothers and Sisters is any sort of example for what ABC can get their writers to do when the first few shows don't flow as well as they should, then absolutely. I watched Brothers and Sisters from the first show it aired. I was sooooooo disappointed with that cast and an interesting premise that the show wasn't better. They went on a short hiatus, came back revamped, and my husband said isn't that the show you said wasn't very good. Yup, but it got better. ABC did its job, gave the writers and cast a chance to pull together what should have been great from the beginning, and it has completely paid off for them. Can they do it again with (cringe) Private Practice? I for one hope so.
I have been very impressed with what Shonda Rhimes has done with Grey's. There are race and weight barriers that she is breaking down with this show and while it may not seem to be enlightening in anyway she is sneaking those ideas in just through the casting. To give this idea some merit compare ER which was a "groundbreaking medical drama" when it first came out. Dr. Benton (a resident at the time) was the only doctor of color and there were only two female doctors. There are now more female and African American doctors, but the only Hispanic doctor to ever be on the show was a completely out-of-control drug-addict adulterer. Grey's has a diverse cast that has minorities in many of the key power areas: Chief of Staff, Cardiotheracic Surgery, as residents leading the interns. In the running for chief resident - three women, one Caucasian, one African American, and one Hispanic, two are what defined by tv standards would be considered overweight. It almost sounds like a set-up for a bad joke, but instead it is the making of a great show. Shonda Rhimes said she wanted to cast to portray America, well one can argue that the actual cast make-up looks nothing like the proportions actually living in America or who have degrees in medicine, but it does look like the America I see when I walk through the mall and I give her props for that.
So, Shonda as you revamp, keep the talking elevator if you want, definitely keep some of the eye-candy, but PLEASE, PLEASE bring up some substance (you can sneak it in if you feel you have to) and almost as importantly please find a new name... yes, this is begging, I am on my knees.
Ok everyone, let's give her some ideas on that new name, my first is Oceanside Wellness.
How deep is the snow at the Scott house?
14 years ago
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