Word just a few weeks ago was the creators wanted to come back next season with it being 5 years in the future with a very different cast showing what Veronica became. They weren't given that shot, nor were they given the opportunity to say a proper farewell. I might have even dismissed that if the CW had at least given the traditional farewell through a cheesy montage of moments throughout the years and a thanks for watching after the credits rolled. There was nothing, NOTHING indicating this was the end.
Now don't get me wrong here. The episode was actually pretty good. It was good for a mid-season let's come back next week to resolve this, or possibly even a season finale... but not a SERIES FINALE! As a fan, I am disappointed, no not just disappointed, I'm angry and let down. I kept looking at the clock thinking are there really only 12 minutes left and nothing is tied up, certain, FINAL. The credits rolled and my b.p. kept rising. Then a commercial. Really, a commercial. Seriously, a commercial. At least with Gilmore Girls which was a so/so finale, but at least a finale, there was the heartwarming montage and thanks at the end. With Veronica Mars there was nothing. Have I said yet that there was nothing finale about the Veronica Mars finale?
Honestly, I am not a big fan of the cheesy montage, but the CW is and that is why I am so surprised it wasn't there. I didn't watch the season finale of 7th Heaven, but I would just about stake my television on there being a thanks for watching tagged onto the ending.
I asked before what we would like to see from the writers in a finale. Should they give us the ending we want, etc... Tonight the question goes to the network. What is their responsibility to the fans? If they can't give the show a heads up enough to write a proper series finale, what should be do to appease the masses? Should the cast and crew been given a shot to put together a proper finale aired at a later time?
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